Sbooster product reviews through the years
2010 - 2025
Review: Bluesound Node vs. Sbooster NODE
by Michael Lavorgna - Twittering Machines - October 2024
".... it allows for a closer connection to the music." and "... it allows deeper entry into the workings of the music and its makers." writes Michael Lavorgna of Twittering Machines about the Sbooster upgrades on the Bluesound Node N130.
Thank you for this compliment, Michael!
Read the full review here.
”POWER… In Silence”, Sbooster Node Power Supply Upgrade
Review by Anthony Signorotti - TRENDS Electronics and Design - March-April 2024
“On Rocket, Billy Corgan’s and James Iha’s guitars sang and shook, Darcy Wretsky’s bass grooved, Jimmy Chamberlain’s drum strikes thundered while Billy’s voice was right there – as sharp and biting as ever. But instead of the artificial tension imposed on an already tense and driving recording, the Sbooster allowed all that transcendent power and emotion to shine through.”
Suffice it say, the improvements the Sbooster brings to the NODE N130 is far from subtle…”
Read the complete review here:
and online:
and online:
Sbooster Node Active Interface Board
”Twee Keer Beter” (Eng: “Two Times Better”)
Review by Sander van der Heide, HVT, February 2024,
Sander compares the upgrade like wearing glasses, he writes:
“Wat eerst een omrande lichtstrook leek, bleken heel veel kleine led-lichtjes, die ik nu opeens van elkaar kon onderscheiden. Voor mij een wow-ervaring, voor fervente brildragers heel normaal. Je snapt waar ik naartoe wil. Een hele kleine ingreep die het stroompad puur, stabiel en storingsvrij maken, kan nou net het detail opleveren die de wazigheid van je weergave wegneemt.”
(Eng.: What first appeared to be a bordered strip of light turned out to be lots of tiny LED lights, which I could now suddenly distinguish from each other. A wow experience for me, quite normal for avid spectacle wearers. You get my point. A very small intervention that makes the power path pure, stable and interference-free can provide just the detail that removes the fuzziness from your playback. )
You can find the full review here.
Bluesound ‘Sbooster’ Node Versus Volumio ‘Sbooster’ Primo
By Jaap Veenstra - Alpha Audio, November 2023
What can we say? Power is everything! It's that simple. Sbooster has a serious upgrade for NODE owners in the range….”
Alpha Audio, November 2023, Review Cambridge Audio MXN10 streaming bridge
Although this review is about Cambridge Audio MXN10, an Sbooster is used on the DacMagic 200M in combination with the MXN10.
“Now it is possible to give the DacMagic a nice upgrade by connecting a better external power supply. We grabbed a 12volt Sbooster…. that difference is…. impressive. The calmness, control and imaging undoubtedly goes up a notch.”
René van Es - HIFI.NL - June 2024
“Het meeste verschil is te herleiden naar het stereobeeld. Was dat met een D3 op normale grootte in zijn prijsklasse, de Sbooster weet het stereobeeld vooral in breedte en diepte heel ver op te rekken. Wat tot gevolg heeft dat instrumenten een betere plaatsing krijgen en individueel beter te volgen zijn. Immers elk instrument heeft meer de ruimte. Zelfs in hoogte is de winst goed te horen, maar niet zo spectaculair als in de twee andere dimensies.
Wie verwacht dat de klank van de speler zou veranderen, komt van een koude kermis thuis. Die is namelijk gelijk gebleven. Wordt niet aangezet in de lage tonen, wordt niet anders met het fluitspel van Galway en niet anders bij vioolspel. Het is een blijft een Lumin D3 zoals die wordt verkocht. Maar met een turbo boost in het stereobeeld die zo verslavend is, dat je nooit meer verlangt naar de standaard D3.”
Eng,: ”Most of the difference can be traced to the stereo image. Whereas with a D3 that was at normal size in its price range, the Sbooster manages to stretch the stereo image very far especially in width and depth. As a result, instruments get better placement and are individually easier to follow. After all, each instrument has more space. Even in height, the gain is well heard, but not as spectacular as in the two other dimensions.
Whoever expects the sound of the player to change will be disappointed. In fact, it has remained the same. Does not get turned on in the bass, does not get different with Galway's flute playing and does not get different with violin playing. It is a remains a Lumin D3 as sold. But with a turbo boost in the stereo image that is so addictive, you'll never long for the standard D3 again.”
You can find the full review here.
We kunnen met de Sbooster in volle overtuiging spreken van een volwaardige upgrade. In onze headfi-opstelling is er duidelijk een verbetering hoorbaar. En niet zuinig ook. We spreken dan echt over een vol niveau hogere kwaliteit.
Hifistatement, Germany, May 2021
"Still, the standard power supplies are really good. However, I had already been convinced that the Strain Gauge is one of the very best cartridges available. Nevertheless, the two SBoosters make up the stakes: The imaging gets a bit bigger, the soundstage seems a hint deeper, the instruments become more finely differentiated, and the dynamics benefit as well. All these improvements are by no means huge, but their sum reaches an impressive scale. But much more important for me is: With the SBoosters I simply enjoy the music more!"
It’s no different with the Strain Gauge than with a myriad of digital components: The SBoosters make even very good things just that little bit better. Moreover, with the Soundsmith, the investment for the two power supplies is almost negligible compared to the investment for the cartridge system itself. For me, the SBoosters are an absolute must to pair with the Strain Gauge!
Video-review by audio-evangelist Hans Beekhuyzen
Sbooster product reviews:
Video review by Hans Beekhuyzen on the SOtM sMS-200 powered by Sbooster. Suitable are the BOTW P&P ECO 9-10V and the BOTW P&P ECO 12-13.2V.
Video review by Hans Beekhuyzen on the Sonore microRendu powered by Sbooster.
Hans Beekhuyzen said this on his YouTube channel, "The shockingly good Sonore microRendu networked audio adapter is versatile and extremely good sounding.", but he made clear the power supply is very important for the performance of the microRendu. The power supply Hans used for his review is our BOTW P&P ECO 5-6V.
Fidelizer Etherstream and the Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO MKII 12-13V
Positive Feedback, April 2020
"The Wall-Wart Issue
… As for the Sbooster's contribution to Ethernet music… WOW!… This is no joke."
Lumïn U1 Mini and the Sbooster Lumïn Connection Kit and the Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO MKII 12-13V
Hifi Live Magazine, Spain, April 2020
"Durante la elaboración presente artículo la modificación de la fuente de alimentación conmutada original por una fuente de alimentación lineal de la firma holandesa sBooster resultó reveladora y supuso una mejora en la calidad global del sonido relevante.
No me cabe duda de que el tándem compuesto por el transporte de red Lumin U1 mini, junto con la fuente de alimentación lineal externa sBooster BOTW ECO MKII son capaces de competir con productos equivalentes que le duplique en precio sin dificultades, ¡un chollo! Tanto es que no he tenido ninguna duda en incorporarlo como nueva referencia a mi sistema.
Mi más sincera recomendación."
"During the preparation of this article, the modification of the original switched power supply by a linear power supply from the Dutch firm sBooster was revealing and led to an improvement in the overall quality of the relevant sound.
I have no doubt that the tandem composed of the Lumin U1 mini network transport, together with the external linear power supply sBooster BOTW ECO MKII are capable of competing with equivalent products that double you in price without difficulties, a bargain! So much so that I have had no hesitation in incorporating it as a new reference to my system.
My most sincere recommendation."
English Google translate:
Sbooster BOTW P&P Eco MK II – Big is beautiful
Fidelity Magazine 48, Germany, March/April 2020 – online available –
“Sbooster zeigt mit seinen Netzteilen BOTW P&P Eco MK II, wie man Geräten
mit externem Steckernetzteil ihr wahres Potenzial
entlocken kann.”
Sboosters Upgrade-Netzteile heben die Klangkultur von Kleingeräten und offenbaren bisweilen ihren wahren Charakter.”
Test: Melco S100 and the Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO MKII 12-13V
by Dirk Sommer, Hifistatement, Germany, February 2020
"Und das merkt man: In Kombination mit einem SBooster zählt das S100 zum Besten, was ich je gehört habe. Für die damit mögliche Verbesserung ist der Preis – wir bewegen uns in High-End-Gefilden – ausgesprochen kundenfreundlich."
"And you can tell: In combination with an SBooster, the S100 is one of the best I have ever heard. For the possible improvement, the price - we operate in high-end areas - is extremely customer-friendly. "
Das Switch wird mit einem externen Schaltnetzteil geliefert. Ein SBooster steigert die Qualität der Wiedergabe aber ganz enorm
The switch is supplied with an external switching power supply. However, a Sbooster increases the quality of playback enormously
English Google translate:
How to boost your streamer?
Melco N100 and the Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO MKII 12-13V
The Ear, UK, January 2020 -
"There are plenty of aftermarket power supplies on the market but the Sbooster models are well made, sensibly priced and provide an alround benefit to the components I’ve tried them with, an upgrade that it would be hard to achieve without upgrading to a more expensive server in this instance."
“With the Melco N100 connected to a DAC via USB the benefits of switching from the supplied PSU to the Sbooster were obvious. The sound opened up so that the instruments and voices had more space to unfold, there also seemed to be an increase in contrast between louder and quieter sounds, greater dynamic range essentially, and with a live recording the sense of vitality and energy clearly increased. Timing also improved …”
“I also tried the Sbooster on my Vodafone broadband router which is also a 12v device and usually runs on a cheap switched mode supply (from Huawei no less). Replacing that with the linear supply made a clear and positive difference when streaming Qobuz and Tidal music services. It didn’t make those services sound as good as the Melco but it’s good to know that they can be improved in terms of clarity and definition, if streaming from external servers is your preferred listening mode then this sort of upgrade is definitely worthwhile.”
Read the full article here:
BOTW P&P ECO MKII review and Dave and Carol Clark's Brutus Awards for 2019
Positive Feedback, USA, November 2019
“Oh, hey… I have several SBooster units here. One powers the network switch in the office, and another powers the Wi-Fi extender in the listening room, and the third powers an older AURALiC Aries that Victor Chavira is using on loan. Now, these have always been stable and solid in what they do; I reviewed them way back HERE and well… and as I said, I still use them.”
"Cleaner and stable power equals cleaner and stable music. Stable in the sense of getting what is there without anything much in the way. Our music just sounds better.
Highly recommended."
“And our next award goes to SBooster ($399). While I gave them an award years ago, the newer versions of the BOTW ECO MKII Power Supply (HERE) is a wonderful improvement to the Sonore products. Actually, using the BOTW ECO MKII Power Supplies for anything that requires DC power is a wake-up call over that heard from any supplied wall-wart.”
Test: Sbooster BOTW Power & Precision Eco MKII – zum zweiten
Hifistatement, Germany, July 2019 – Melco D100 & Lukaschek PP1 upgraded with the BOTW P&P ECO MKII 12-13V and the new BOTW 24VAC
"Wer nur mit dem besten zufrieden ist, kommt um dessen Stromversorgung mit dem SBooster nicht herum. Beim ersten Wechselstrom SBooster, dem für den Lukaschek, ist es noch viel klarer: Er bringt denn PP1 auf ein deutlich höheres klangliches Niveau."
"If you are only satisfied with the best, there is no way around to power up with the SBooster. With the first AC SBooster, the one for the Lukaschek, it's even clearer: it brings PP1 to a much higher sound level."
English Google translate:
Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO MKII Power Supply Video Review w/ Upscale Audio's Kevin Deal
Upscale Audio, USA, May 2019 – Video of the BOTW P&P ECO MKII
"I don't know if I've ever seen a product that is going to make such a difference for so many people".
“Power supplies make all the difference in audio, and the Sbooster offers a massive upgrade to a huge range of products.”
Video review BOTW P&P ECO MKII Sbooster upgrade power supply solutions
Review Chord M-Scaler & Hugo TT2 … and a couple of Sboosters (red.)
Art’s excellence blog, The Netherlands, March 2019
The review is also available as PDF in Engish on the art's excellence website.
You can find the full review here:
Chord Hugo TT 2 with Sbooster BOTW ECO MKII power supply and Chord Hugo M Scaler with Sbooster BOTW ECO MKII power supply
“We kind of expected this to happen: after we added an Sbooster BOTW ECO MKII power supply to the Chord Hugo M Scaler the party really started.”
“The Chord Hugo TT 2 surpasses its predecessor in every possible way, and as a stand-alone DAC it performs on an incredibly high level. With a better power supply that level becomes even higher. For those who really want the cream of the musical crop, and are willing to invest in an extra piece of kit, more cabling and a better power supply, the Chord Hugo M Scaler is a logical step towards even better sounding music. Surprisingly we found that the difference between a Hugo TT 2 and a Hugo TT 2 with an SBooster was bigger than what happened when we added the Hugo M Scaler with its standard power supply. Nevertheless, that turned out to be the most logical step after all. But the best fun we had was when we added another SBooster power supply. The Chord Hugo M Scaler does really incredible things to your music, but a better power supply, as far as we are concerned, is an absolute no-brainer”
Review: Sbooster BOTW ECO MKII
A clear step forward
Art’s excellence blog, The Netherlands November 2018,
BOTW P&P ECO MKII 5-6V. Ultra MKII 5V & Chord Qutest
The blog is available as PDF in Engish.
Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO mkII - Verbeterde Voeding
Sander van der Heide, HVT, The Netherlands, October 2018 – Mytek Brooklyn DAC & RME ADI-2
“Stroom is stroom, elektrisch geladen elektronen die zich verplaatsen door een geleider. Of die elektronen nu uit een gigantische ringkerntrafo komen of vanuit een klein schakelend adaptertje. Althans, zou je denken.”
“Current is current, electrically charged electrons moving through a conductor. Whether those electrons come from a gigantic toroidal transformer or from a small switching adapter. At least, that's what you'd think.”
Sbooster Product Reviews BOTW P&P ECO MKI
Sbooster Best of Two Worlds Power & Precision ECO (BOTW) Power Supplies
"Sbooster Best of Two Worlds Power & Precision ECO (BOTW) Power Supplies cost €300 each and are replacements for the all too common wall-warts that seem to be de rigeur with many audio products. Dan Worth feels the power."
Hifi-Pig, November 2017, by Dan Worth
BOTW P&P ECO 15-16V on the Auralic Aries.
“Adding the BOTW supply gave me exactly what I imagined it would. Speedier dynamics and rhythms which made Nils Lofgren’s incredible guitar solos come to life, greater precision on leading edges and a darker a background exposed finer details and dynamics really rather effortlessly. I enjoyed the cleaner complexion of his vocal also which along with the intricate guitar work gained more texture and dexterity.
If I was to create a minimalistic system for an office for instance, the Aries Mini along with a set of KRK actives and the BOTW would be an intoxicatingly addictive bouncy and musical listen. If your a listener of Pop, Dance or Rock you will love what the BOTW supply does to enhance musicality with the Mini, bringing out more detail and smoothing the resolution extremes. A bit of Nirvana at high volumes and then some old skool Ferry Corsten completed today’s listening tests with the Aurelic. The combination of the two forces you to listen to music and forget the electronics entirely.”
BOTW P&P ECO 5-6V on the Audiobyte Hydra Z
“My SPDIF converter of choice for many years now have been from Audiobytes (parent company Rokna), they again retain great musicality and smooth digital signals to where they become a more fluid event. Along with the Hydra Z I have a choice of power supplies already – the Audiobyte ZPM which works on capacitor bank stored energy, a Paul Hynes SR5 and SR7 Dual Regulated linears. I do change from time to time and the different supplies have slightly differing effects on the sound. The ZPM doesn’t produce such a highly resolute sound as either of the Hynes, yet is very even handed and is a big step up over the USB powered converter. Each of the Hynes then differ in information retrieval with the SR7 DR dominating on detail retrieval and background silence.
The BOTW from Sbooster actually had a nice mixture of the three. There is a definite even-handedness with the Hydra Z and again it has great speed, leading edges and dynamics, which although not as natural sounding as the Hynes, are a huge improvement over standard installation. The background was also very quiet and the sensitive nature of the FPGA circuit inside the Z seemed to express great control, realism and enthusiasm to the sound with the more modestly price Sbooster connected, allowing for some incredibly controlled female vocals and good strong bass lines, which gained my attention”
BOTW P&P ECO 12-13V on the Mytek Brooklyn DAC
The Sbooster isn’t as resolute as the leading Hynes Supply, yet again has qualities of speed that only a design such as it can master. My findings are a little strange to the hardcore Hifi enthusiast, but for those of you out there who try to balance an increase in all round performance with the struggle of retaining musical dexterity and cost effectiveness I’ll explain…
All too often when auditioning equipment the initial wow factor of a product is its selling point. A customer can purchase and take home a piece of equipment hoping it to perform for them as it did in the demo room, only to be dissatisfied after extensive listening, finding either fatigue or balance to be uncomfortable. When I first installed the BOTW on the Brooklyn I noticed a perceivable drop in resolution over the DR Hynes but what I lost in plinky plonky details I was hugged with by music in a really endearing way.
The settle in period was shortish with the Sbooster, gaining more detail over the space of a week where it stabilised and established itself, kicking out tune after tune delightfully. I reconnected the IEC cable that goes direct into the Mytek’s on board PSU after this time and the extra distortion and grain throughout the treble and midrange proved immediately how profound an improvement the BOTW was. Connecting the BOTW again gave instantaneously more tuneful expression to the bass and vocals again popped out of the soundstage and stood prouder in a much blacker background.
There’s really not much to dislike about the Mytek, it’s a stunning piece of kit. The Sbooster power supply had seriously done it justice and coincidently it was around this time that the Sbooster guys contacted me to mention that I should be switching the supply if being used with the Brooklyn to the 13v setting rather than the 12v, simply because it sounds better still.
The Full Monty
“… However with all three BOTW supplies installed a more audiophile, mature and accomplished sound was reached.
Dynamics certainly came into their own with vocals gaining a much more appreciable range, giving the likes of some of my favourite female artists real character along with being able to convey small dynamics in their vocal ranges and minor breathes and inflections reminiscent of more expensive stand alone front ends.
The system, had great speed in the bass with an overall larger, more detailed and tightly extended lower region with a well balanced and wider more airier top end. Midrange displayed great timbre and the overall tonality was relaxed and natural with energetic transients and great separation – significantly more than the standard supplies.”
“It’s never the easiest of reviews to produce when writing about aftermarket power supplies. If a friend asked me how I found the Sbooster BOTW power supplies I’d simply say they just give you more of everything and excel in speed and background silence, which ultimately allows you to hear more.
However, I have a job to do here and my job requires a certain level of thoroughness. That’s why I decided to give small reviews on the effectiveness of their power supplies on a few different items I own. There’s absolutely no doubt how effective over standard supplied power supplies the Sboosters are, but to their credit were not totally out shone by the Paul Hynes supplies, which if you are fortunate enough to own, would probably conclude that there really isn’t anything out there to better them in the common market.
For €300 I feel the supply is terrific value for money. Especially when connected to expensive equipment that warrants a boost in performance; the Sbooster P&P ECO BOTW offers significant value for money and I will certainly be using a couple of these across my systems in the future.
"All in all I’d highly recommend the BOTW P&P ECO BOTW Power Supply, its a sure way to obtain increased performance from any product with a less than bespoke off-board PSU."
Build Quality: Not the prettiest, I’d prefer all wires to be on ones side, sturdy and electrically safe none-the-less
Sound Quality: Fantastically noticeable increase in resolution, bass density and back silence
Value For Money: Absolute no brainier
Excellent flexibility it’s a range of output plug sizes
Large range of 11 output voltages
Very noticeable upgrade over stock power supplies
Great musical and audiophile qualities
Great value for money
Realistically none, but I’d like a detachable DC Cable
Here you can find the review:
Getting high on my own Sbooster power supply
At CanJam Europe, Berlin 2017, we ran into reviewer John Darko from the online audio magazine DARKO.Audio which resulted in this cool report including a short interview about our showcase!
"From the floor of Berlin’s nHow hotel, Wiebren Draaijer and Karin Hoks of The Netherlands’ Sbooster demonstrated the potency of their linear power supplies by substituting an entire system’s worth of SMPS wall-warts – from a NAS, a router, an AURALiC streamer, an M2Tech DAC and an iFi Audio headphone amplifier – with five of their own Best of Two Worlds Power & Precision ECO (BOTW P&P ECO)"
"The humble A/B demo lets us know that a better-sounding Brooklyn DAC and a better-sounding ultraRendu streamer are both possible from a higher quality power supply. Well played, Sbooster."
Check it out on:
Sbooster at CanJam 2017 - interview by John Darko - a table full of upgrade power supply solutions!
How To … SBooster BOTW P&P Eco PSU upgrade
The Ear: how to... Sbooster BOTW P&P Eco PSU upgrade
The Ear
by Jason Kennedy, June 2017
"The power supply is the heart of any audio component, it pumps electrons rather than blood but without it amplification and processing can’t happen. One of the biggest differences between components is the quality of the power supply, certain companies make a very good living by offering power supply upgrades that bring sound quality benefits to their products. Other companies, usually those trying to keep costs under control use relatively basic power supplies and many of these are switching types. If your wall-wart supply doesn’t weigh much you can be sure it’s switcher, and while perfectly capable of delivering the required voltage to a device they also produce high frequency noise that gets overlaid on the AC and undermines not only the potential of the device that they supply but also everything else in the system too, because the noise goes back into the AC network. By replacing these supplies with a linear alternative you not only improve the chances of the powered component but of the whole system."
"For certain components the BOTW P&P Eco can be augmented with an SBooster Ultra which provides extra filtering and is designed to remove any residual noise that gets past the BOTW device. I added it in between the supply and the Aries and found it tightened up the focus, cleaning the highs a little more and delivering a slightly leaner more precise sound. This apparently also needs more burn-in but going back to the regular supply from the BOTW and Ultra combo is shocking enough already, it really sounds blurred and crude by comparison
The SBooster strikes me as a good value upgrade to any switch mode DC power supplied component you have in the system, it really does provide the ‘best of two worlds’ by delivering clean current to the hardware and not polluting the mains with high frequency noise. If you are really keen to get the best from a streaming system it would be worth putting these on the router and NAS drive, such things have the most basic supplies and replacing them with something cleaner is quite a major upgrade if you have a high resolution system. One of the main differences between an audiophile server and a NAS drive is the quality of power supply so it’s not such an extravagance if you’re aiming high. The SBooster BOTW P&P Eco is a useful weapon in the armoury against noise in the modern hi-fi system, one which lets you hear a lot more of the music and a lot less of the grunge."
Read the full review here:
The Ear: how to... Sbooster BOTW P&P Eco PSU upgrade
Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO review
by Andrew Harrison, Standard Candle "Getting the measure of the Universe", April 2017
"Clean power is the lifeblood of good audio reproduction."
"In 100 words or less
The Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO is a well-made and versatile unit that brings instant dividends to a system using commodity power plugs. With both D-A convertors I tried, it tamed the sound conspicuously, taking out some of the ‘digital’ glare that even the best DACs for the money will still show. It can also serve good duty as a power supply of ancillary non-hi-fi components, with subtle improvements in system sound available by nipping the source of external RFI in the bud."
Read the full review here:
Review of the Lumin D1 and the Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO 12-13V
by Maurice Jeffries Positive Feedback, November 2016
“Enter the Sbooster PSU
Toward the end of this review, Mark sent a new Sbooster PSU for me to try. He claimed that the sound of the D1 with the Sbooster would elevate performance levels to new heights. Boy, was he right. With the Sbooster powering the tiny D1, two features of the sound stood out in stark relief.”
First, the sound became more relaxed. By "relaxed" I do not mean to imply a softening of musical transients. Instead, the Sbooster allowed the D1 to reproduce musical transients and decays in a more natural, fluid, and convincing way. Coherence, cohesion, tonal suppleness, and instrumental warmth all increased noticeably. Stated another way, I found it easier to step into and lose myself in the performance. Second, soundstage depth and imaging specificity dramatically improved. Without the Sbooster, the D1 produced airy images that seemed to float ethereally, but without much in the way of stage depth.”
Read the full review here on Positive Feedback
"With the Sbooster doing the driving, instruments
and voices gained in solidity and three-dimensionality.
Soundstage depth cues improved
markedly, as did my ability to discern the
placement of instruments and voices within the
recorded stage. This newfound solidity had the net
effect of heightening the sense of overall musical
realism and involvement."
"... the littlest Lumin comes very highly
recommended, especially when paired with the
affordable Sbooster PSU upgrade. They are my
new digital reference components!"
A very nice review of our 15-16V BOTW P&P ECO power supply has been published in the 2016 June edition of HI-FI Choice Magazine
(p. 111 Choice EXTRAS). The power supply was tested on an Alpha Design Labs GT40a USB.
Quote: “… making this a worthy upgrade for many externally powered audio devices.”
Test: Mytek Brooklyn mit SBooster BOTW, Bryston BUC-1 und Audiobyte Hydra Z
by Dirk Sommer, Hifistatement, March 2016
Der Brooklyn überzeugt nicht nur als D/A-Wandler. Man sollte seinen hervorragenden Kopfhörerverstärker und seine Fähigkeiten als Vorstufe keinesfalls unterschätzen. Selbst wenn die Phonostufe über Mittelmaß nicht hinauskommt, ändert das nichts am schon sensationellen Preis/Klang-Verhältnis des Mytek. Darüber hinaus lässt sich der Brooklyn mit einen SBooster-Netzteil und einer USB-Bridge von Bryston oder Audiobyte noch in deutlich höhere Sphären treiben. Ein Glücksfall!
Auf einem unserer Fotos ist der Verbrauch des Brooklyn dokumentiert: Die SBooster-Gleichstromversorgung ist für den Mytek allemal kräftig genug. Und sie verhilft ihm zu einem deutlich luftigeren, und weiträumigeren Klangbild. Dabei war dessen Raumabbildung schon immer eine seiner Schokoladenseiten. Mit dem SBooster geht hier dennoch ein gutes Stück mehr. Einfach Klasse!
Read here the complete test on Hifistatement
TEST: Auralic Aries Mini, SBooster BOTW und Tidal Streaming
by Dirk Sommer, Hifistatement, January 2016
Der Auralic Aries Mini ist der ideale Einstieg ins Streaming. Der Wandler mit Sabre-9018-Chip klingt wirklich überzeugend, die Inbetriebnahme und Bedienung ist dank Lightning DS geradezu vorbildlich einfach, und mit dem SBooster BOTW P&P Eco inklusive SBooster Ultra macht der Mini auch in High-End-Ketten eine hervorragende Figur. Das alles für 500 respektive 800 Euro: verboten gut, verboten günstig!
Read here the complete test on Hifistatement
Audio Ramblings - The Auralic Aries and SBooster Linear Power Supply
by Dave Clark, Positive Feedback, November 2015
Review of the Auralic Aries and our BOTW P&P ECO 15-16V
Some quotes:
"Well compared to what I hear with the Aries via its own power supply, the SBooster really BOOSTS things in a very, very good way. Yeah, this thing works. The hype is legit."
“And that is what the SBooster is doing with the Aries. It is letting the Aries sing and swing. Dynamics, space, presence… damn.”
“And certainly by adding the SBooster… yeah baby, now we are clearly hanging with the really, really cool people at school. Check me out. Highly recommended for anyone with an Aries.”
Read Dave’s full review here on Positive Feedback’s website
Our second review in Chinese! Check it out here.
Chinese review Sbooster BOTW P&P ECO 9-10V
Our first Chinese review! From our Hong Kong/China distributor, Hong Zheng Electronics (HK) Company, we received this conclusion of the review in English:
Sbooster makes you feel safe with many safety marks clearly shown on its back. The price is competitive. But it’s definitely worth the price with all the exquisite component parts inside. In comparison with the typical linear power supply, the most unique features and the strengths of Sbooster are “dynamic” and “highs and lows extension” in its sound. It makes a big difference and you will know it immediately when you hear it!
Review Sbooster BOTW ECO voedingen
Alpha Audio heeft BOTW P&P ECO voedingen getest op de Auralic Aries Femto music streamer, Musical Fidelity MX DAC, Sony PHA-3ACdac/hoofdtelefoonversterker en een Netgear switch.
De Sbooster is een uitstekende upgrade voor menig d/a-converter, streamer of wellicht laptop, nuc of voorversterkertje. De mogelijkheden zijn legio. En dat voor een erg interessante prijs: 250 euro. Menig kabel kost meer dan dat!
Lees hier op de Facebookpagina van art's excellence de conclusie van hun testen van de Arcam irDAC en de Chord 2Qute met onze 12-13.2V BOTW P&P ECO en 12V Sbooster Ultra.
Bij de Arcam irDAC gaf de Sbooster een opmerkelijke toename van transparantie in het laag, de ruimtelijke afbeelding werd groter en de detailweergave kreeg een hogere mate van verfijning. Bij de Chord 2Qute DAC was het verschil zelfs nog groter. Ook hier viel de veel betere doortekening van het laag op, maar waar ik echt van omviel was de betere timing en de toename van rust, vloeiendheid en ruimtelijke weergave. Het Sbooster Ultra filter (dat los verkrijgbaar is omdat het niet in combinatie met elk apparaat kan worden gebruikt) gaf bij de Chord 2Qute een extra verfijning die mij bijna ‘analoog’ in de oren klonk.
Lees hier het volledige artikel van Max Delissen.
Test: Auralic Aries und SBooster BOTW P&P eco
Der Auralic Aries gefällt uneingeschränkt, musikalisch wie auch von seinen Anschlussmöglichkeiten. Gegenüber meiner Computer-Alternative machte der Streamer klanglich die bessere Figur. Richtig aufgeblüht und noch näher an der Wahrheit spielt er mit dem Netzteil-Set von SBooster. Gemeinsam bilden sie eine überzeugende Einheit zu der noch der optimale DA-Wandler kombiniert werden darf.
Review van de Musical Fidelity MX-Dac met een 5V-6V BOTW P&P ECO
De MX-DAC schiet met scherp en zeker in de juiste opstelling - dus met Sbooster voeding - speelt hij de sterren van de hemel. U moet dat extraatje er helaas wel bij aanschaffen. Maar dat maakt de belevenis er niet minder om.
Met de DSD ondersteuning is het een goede investering. Zeker als je in deze prijsklasse naar de alternatieven kijken. De MX-DAC is zonder twijfel een heel mooie, verantwoorde, muzikale toevoeging voor je systeem.
Sbooster Product Reviews Best Of Two World’s Solution (BOTWS)
Test: M2TECH Young und Squeeze-upgrade Netzteil
by Dirk Sommer, Hifistatement, November 2011
“Die heilsame Wirkung der Best Of Two Worlds Solution…
Die Verbesserung erweist sich als so signifikant, dass es keines Hin- und Hersteckens zwischen den Netzteilen bedarf, um zu einen sicheren Urteil zu gelangen: Das Netzteil von Squeeze-upgrade hievt den Young auf ein deutlich höheres Nievea – und das für gerade einmal 135 Euro! Ich wüsste nicht, wo man eine größere Klangverbesserung zu diesem Schmunzelpreis bekommt.”
Messbar hörbar
by Christian Rechenbach, EinsNull, 2010-2011
“Angehört habe ich mir das natürlich auch. Was ich als Erstes bemerkte, war natürlich nicht nur das völlige Fehlen von Dröhnen und Rauschen, sondern auch eine gesteigerte Ruhe im Klangbild. Gerade dynamisches Material profi tiert hörbar von der stabilen und aalglatten Stromversorgung.”
Mark Grant Cables SBooster Squeezebox Power
Hi-Fi Choice
“With this device (red. Sbooster Singel Unit) in situ, the music sounds far cleaner and more musical; I found it made a very useful improvement. However, if you crave more, the solution is to do away with the supplied switched-mode altogether and replace it with a linear PSU. To this end, Mark Grant Cables supplies precisely this, a PSU (red. Best of Two Worlds Solution) that also incorporates the SBooster, for £110. Fitted with this device, the Squeezebox was definitely smoother and had better imaging; any residual harshness with the strings had vanished and bass felt effortless.”